There’s a winter of discontent coming, so is your commercial building ready to weather the weather and keep your staff warm and comfortable until spring?

We’ve got some tips for you to make sure your building is running as efficiently as possible as it turns colder…

1.      Check and protect your heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Your air con may have been working overtime during some of our crazy summer, but now it’s time to retire it for a couple of months and let the heating take over.

  • Check any air filters and replace where needed
  • Inspect moving parts are still moving and non-moving parts are still not
  • Look for holes or potential leakage in ducts that may reduce efficiency
  • Protect outdoor air con units from the cold by covering them over
  • Ensure your carbon monoxide alarms are present, well positioned and in working order
  • Think – do you need a professional to make your checks?

2.      Inspect the insulation

You may need to get up in he roof space to make sure that the insulation is still as good as the day it was laid. But there are other things to look for than a thin covering…

  • Check the weather-stripping around doors and windows isn’t lifting or otherwise damaged
  • Are unused or rarely used storage areas such as attic rooms or side extensions well insulated?
  • Is the quality of insulation good enough?

3.      Prepare your pipes for possible freezing

Commercial properties are more likely to have exposed plumbing than domestic ones, making them more prone to freezing. According to however, 64% of building occupants don’t know where the stop tap is if they do freeze…

  • Find the stop tap in case you need to switch the water off
  • Check the pipes that are more exposed to cold are properly wrapped
  • Check that where pipes enter the building, the openings are properly sealed
  • Do you have freeze alarms? Are they functioning well?

4.      Is the roof construction stable?

It’s not always obvious if there’s a slate or two missing or if a panel has lifted or shifted slightly. Any compromise to the construction of the roof is likely to result in heat escaping and water entering the building.

  • Check for loose panels, damaged felt/flashing or loose tiles
  • Is the roof overgrown with moss? This could compromise water drainage and lead to breaks in pipes or flooding
  • Check the guttering for blockages and damage.

5.      Get a disaster recovery plan and make sure everyone knows about it

In the event of a disaster such as flooding from burst pipes, fire or gas leaks do you and your staff know exactly hoe to handle it? Is your equipment safe? Where will you work if the building is unusable? These are just some considerations…

  • Make a plan, or ask a qualified company to help you know what to include in it
  • Go over the plan with your staff and refresh their memories
  • Nominate local contractors you can call upon in an emergency.

Prevent the worst from happening

We hope this advice serves as a useful reminder to make the winter checks on your commercial property, and that we have helped you prevent a bad day from happening.