Whether you’re turning a warehouse into a workable space, accommodating changing staff levels or refreshing the environment you’ve been in for some time now, it’s worth investing in a good quality office fit out.

When you begin your research on functional yet appealing office spaces, it can be easy to see many advantages and many more design ideas, so how do you know what will work for you?

Start with why you’re doing an office fit out

It’s obvious to say, but should be stated anyway, an office fit out will only work for you if it’s designed to suit your needs. So, when you’re researching office fit out ideas, start with your ‘must haves’, and only when everyone agrees on that list, start on a ‘nice to have’ list. For example, many businesses have on their ‘must have’ list…

  • Accessibility
  • Social areas
  • Quiet spaces
  • Energy saving
  • Sustainability

All this is worked out with Refurb’s office fit out experts during the planning stage of our refurbishment process, and can include talking with staff members as well as decision makers to get a truly balanced view of what is needed in your office space.

Look for inspiration

It might be nice to include some ideas from other offices you’ve perhaps worked in or visited before. Whilst creating a Pinterest or vision board of inspiration might give us a good starting place, it’s worth bearing in mind that looks aren’t everything!

As with anything that needs to be built, you risk it being insufficient if you prioritise looks over function. What works in one office, might not be so great in yours.

Should you avoid trends?

Just like with interior design at home, there are trendy elements that can be introduced to offices that can wear thin after a while – beanbag anyone?! We’d advise just to be a bit mindful over following a trend, and again consider function over form.

Having said that, one trend that seems to have stood the test of time is bold colours and an industrial feel – but is that comfortable for your needs..?

Are your staff happy at work?

This is the ultimate question which proves a successful office fit out. If you engage Refurb to talk about your office space, we encourage you to speak to your employees about what they need from their work environment before the process begins.

You can then measure this against responses to the finished fit out and congratulate yourself for a job well done!

Ultimately though, what makes a good office fit out is when your workspace is enhanced and your company values are supported.

Are you looking for an office fit out company? Feel free to have a look at some of our refurbishment portfolio pieces, office fit out FAQs, or get in touch with your enquiry today.